I found this video today, and it made me so frustrated but so happy when I watched it. I already shared it all over my Facebook, but I feel it belongs here as well.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Transgender Rights Segment on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
I found this video today, and it made me so frustrated but so happy when I watched it. I already shared it all over my Facebook, but I feel it belongs here as well.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Life, Stress, and PrideFest
I've been really depressed lately. My best friend was in the hospital for a while, and then there was some drama with him. I feel like we're drifting apart and I hate it. I think part of me knows that I care too much about other people and never enough about myself. I spend all my energy taking care of other people, or at least trying to, and it never works out in my favor. I just want everyone around me to be happy, and I want to do everything I can to make sure that happens.
In other news, today is PrideFest at the beautiful old Sloss Furnaces. Mya is performing tonight and I think we're actually going to go. It's free, and I am so excited. I also found out that the gay bar here in Birmingham, it's called The Quest, is a 24/7 dance club. How exciting is that? I haven't gotten to go, but as soon as I do man, it's going to be amazing.
Also, for those of you who are paying attention, I promise I am working on my 30 facts about myself. It's just really hard because I don't feel like I'm all that interesting and most of the things I can think of I'm either like, "They already know that," or, "They wouldn't want to know that." I feel like most of the facts I think of are kind of TMI for the average person. So as of right now I have, like, 6 things written down. But I swear I'm working on it, hope to have it done within the next day or so.
As always, I love you guys, and thank you for checking out my page. It really means a lot to me to have people who pay attention and read my stuff. I wish I had more stuff to talk about besides just being depressed and not making any progress of any sort. But, thank you for sticking around even if that's all I have to talk about. Love you guys.
Monday, May 18, 2015
TRIGGERS: 5) A Time You Felt Like Ending Your Life, 30 Days, Day 5
This is probably going to be the hardest one of these I have to write because it's still relatively fresh in my mind.
Some of you know, but most of you probably don't, but I attempted suicide for the first (and hopefully the last) time in my life about 2 months ago. Pills, it was always going to be pills...a mix of Klonopin and sleeping pills. In retrospect, it probably wasn't even enough to kill me, but I was in a terrible place and I couldn't even explain why if I tried. The urge just started, I got really anxious, started taking Klonopin to calm down, realized I'd taken 26 of them and decided to just finish what I'd started. I then crushed up an undisclosed amount of sleeping pills, mixed them with some pudding so I wouldn't taste them, and ate them.
By the time the drowsiness hit me good and hard, I'd realized what a mistake I had made. I have tobthank my best friend, he knows who he is and I won't name him without his permission, for potentially (probably) saving my life. He was on Skype with me and just kept me talking and drinking water and awake until we thought I might be safe. When I finally felt okay to sleep, I was basically on autopilot for 2 day. I got up for food and the bathroom, but I don't remember any of it.
All in all, I learned a lot. I learned I had more people than I ever could have thought when cared about me, and that suicide is not the answer. I hope my experience can help other people, especially if they're also transgender. Please, please don't become a statistic, please. Be strong, hold on, it does get better.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
4) Your Views on Religion, 30 Days, Day 4
All I am really willing to say here is, as with my views on politics, i believe that if what you're doing isn't hurting anyone, you should be able to do it. I don't believe we should make "sin" illegal just because we don't understand it or it makes us unnecessarily uncomfortable.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
3) Your Views on Drugs and Alcohol, 30 Days, Day 3
Alright well, I suppose I will start with alcohol. I drink, I don't hide that fact. I like to have a Mike's after a long day, or a few drinks at a party, and sometimes I even get pretty smashed. I have no problem with people drinking as long as they are responsible about it. Don't get so drunk you can't take care of yourself, don't get even buzzed and drive. Basically, don't be an idiot. Act like a responsible adult when you're drinking, don't drink when you're mad or depressed, and you'll be fine.
And now, I suppose, on to the topic of drugs. This is a hard topic for me to talk about. A lot of people don't know this about me but I have had issues with abusing prescription drugs in the past. Pain pills, benzos, Adderall. I don't condone this, I don't think anyone else should do this. Take your pills as prescribed, people. That's hypocritical, I know, but it's truth.
As for other drugs, literally the only one I officially condone is marijuana. Most other drugs, though, if you want to fuck up your life, by all means go for it. I take the libertarian stance about it. I wouldn't do it but I can't tell you that you can't.
That's pretty much it, I could go in to my views on marijuana but, as it is still illegal where I live, I will not be doing that at this point in time. Maybe in the future I can amend this to include those views.
Greater Reach, Almost 3000 Pageviews
And just maybe that maybe is the motivation I need to get this going again.
2) Where You Want to Be in 10 Years, 30 Days, Day 2
10 years is a long time, and it's hard to even fathom where I might be that long from now. I'm hoping by then to have gone back to school and be finished, hopefully doing some sort of work that I love. I would also like to have a husband or wife and a family by then, maybe an adorable little polycule? Who even knows.
I hope that some of these are going to be longer, but I just really don't know right now. My life is pretty lost right now. I'll make a separate post at some point to try to explain all of that and why things are hard and why I can't just do all the things I'm supposed to be doing every day.
Thank you guys for always sticking by me, reading my posts, caring enough to keep up with me even though I'm really bad at keeping up myself. Every one of my readers is amazing, seriously. I love you guys.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
1) Your Current Relationship: 30 Days, Day 1
He's a really great guy. He's polite, a total gentleman. He was raised on tales of Robin Hood and King Arthur, and he still believe in the Knight's Code. He opens door for me and takes me to the movies and actually pays for it. Ad, we have so much fun jut hanging out and being with each other.
As I originally wrote this, we were at a laundromat, I was writing and he was playing a computer game, and we were still having a blast just being with each other. I really don't think I could be much happier, and I cannot wait to see where this goes. <3
Something I'm going to do just to let you guys know a little more about me...
1. Your current relationship
2. Where you want to be in 10 years
3. Your views on drugs and alcohol
4. Your views on religion
5. A time you felt like ending your life
6. Write 30 interesting facts about yourself
7. Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits
8. A moment you felt satisfied with life
9. What you hope your future will be like
10. Discuss your first love and first kiss
11. Put your music player on shuffle, 10 songs
12. Bullet your whole day
13. Somewhere you would like to move or visit
14. Your earliest memory
15. Your favorite blogs/Tumblrs/YouTubers
16. Your views on mainstream music
17. Your highs and lows of the past year
18. Your beliefs
19. Disrespecting your parents
20. How important you think education is
21. One of your favorite shows
22. How have you changed in the past two years
23. Give pictures of 5 famous people you find attractive
24. Your favorite movie and what it's about
25.Someone who fascinates you and why
26. What kind of person attracts you and why
27. A problem that you have had
28. Something that you miss
29. Goals for the next 30 days
30. Your highs and lows for the past month.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
An apology, and a promise
I will have a better update in a little while, I promise!
Monday, January 5, 2015
So, for those of you that don't know, I moved on January 1st. To a new apartment in a new town with some friends. I was living in a camper with no heat or hot water. As much as I enjoyed not being homeless, some days it felt like I was anyways. But now, I have an amazing living situation with amazing people who are really helping me learn how to be independent and take care of myself.
I miss my friends, and I miss Dave, but this is going to be really good for me, and in turn, good for him. Hopefully while I'm here learning to take care of myself, he can do the same where he is. When we put it together, we can actually be two functioning adults, wouldn't that be something?